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In this newsletter we show how art can convey epileptic seizures of children and what this means for art as research methodology. Also eight recommendations to end the Loudness War, narrative representation of complexity, Zach Lieberman and more!
Ending the Loudness War: eight recommendations
From the jukebox days in the 50’s onwards artists and record labels have pushed mastering engineers to make their songs louder than any other’s. Fast digital peak limiters in the mid 90’s increased the pressure which lead to a dramatic loss of dynamics in pop music. This is known as the “Loudness War”. Based on research with Tidal, HKU researcher Eelco Grimm, provides eight recommendations to end this war.
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Mapping children's absence experiences
Artists and researchers from the professorship Performative Processes helped children and youths who suffer from absence seizures (a light form of epilepsy) to create works of art based on their experiences during an epileptic fit. It is difficult to verbally convey the often fearful multi-sensory hallucinations and moments of 'not being there'. At the 5th Colloquium on Artistic Research in Performing Arts (CARPA) in Helsinki on 31 August, the team presented their research, which serves as an example of how art as research methodology can help in re-creating sensory experience.
Read about the conference contribution
Narrative representation of complexity
Mirka Duijn, film director and researcher of HKU’s professorship Interactive Narrative Design, designed a data-driven approach to creating an interface for The Industry, a commissioned interactive documentary by broadcasting organisation VPRO. In this article, she describes her iterative design approach, interface metaphors, lessons learned and current state of affairs.
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Prof. Lazzaro keynote at NXT Conference
At the NXT conference on cultural entrepreneurship in Amsterdam on 14-15 September, Professor Elisabetta Lazzaro opened the plenary session with a keynote about entrepreneurship in the arts. She challenged values, beliefs and myths around the word ‘entrepreneurship’, stimulating a critical debate on different discourses and the misconceptions around entrepreneurship and the arts. The conference was part of NXT – Making a Living from the Arts, a 3-year project co-funded by the EU Creative Europe programme.
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Musal Research and the Living Experience
During the ELIA Conference What is going on here? Exploring elasticity in teaching and learning in the arts in London on 5-7 July professor Bart van Rosmalen explored different aspects of artistic research. He brought together his experiences from the conference and his knowledge on musal research in a performative keynote speech about connecting conversations, good work, makership and the living experience.
Watch the after movie of the conference
Zach Lieberman: how to innovate education?
Invited by the professorship Performative Processes, internationally renowned creative coder and media artist Zach Lieberman gave a lecture for over fifty master students, teachers, researchers and coders from Utrecht. Afterwards he discussed his teaching/coaching practices and his views on educational innovation with HKU school directors, course leaders and researchers. The most inspiring thing he shared were his 'Ten Lessons for Students'.
Read the ten lessons from Zach Lieberman
NEW INNOVATORS: Graduation MA Crossover Creativity
Graduates from the MA Crossover Creativity recently showed how their personal journeys as creative makers has led them towards their final products. From human centered design and food innovation to intervention design and innovation in education, each of the graduates shared how their creative process developed and grew in their respective fields.
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A bit of Utrecht makes the ideal creative and cultural city
The ideal creative and cultural European city would have the local and international connections of Utrecht as well as numerous other qualities found in cities across the continent. In the Cultural and Creative Cities Monitor published by the European Commission, Utrecht is part of an amalgam of the best performing creative cities.
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- On the Opportunities of Performative Research in Arts Education, Jochem Naafs (2017), in Danswetenschap in Nederland, part 9
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To Seminar, Ed. Henk Slager, Annete W. Balkema (2017), Metropolis M Read more and Order the publication
The ‘Story Arc’ – a Ghost of Narrative Game Design, Hartmut Koenitz, Digital Games Research Association Conference (Proceedings), Melbourne, July 2017 Read the article
Beyond “Walking Simulators” – Games as the Narrative Avant-Garde, Hartmut Koenitz, Digital Games Research Association Conference (Proceedings), Melbourne, July 2017 Read the article