Dear reader,
HKU University of the Arts Utrecht is proud to present another public inaugural lecture and other presentations of research results. All professorships are consolidating their research programmes by cooperating with regional, national and international partners.
Inaugural Public Lecture Prof. Lazzaro
On 11 November Elisabetta Lazzaro held her inaugural public lecture and was installed as Professor of Creative Economy at HKU University of the Arts Utrecht.
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U CREATE to receive funding in 2017
The Utrecht Centre of Expertise Creative Industry (U CREATE) will continue to be funded by the Dutch Ministry of Education, Culture and Science. The funding allows the centre to further develop its activities in 2017, establishing creative crossovers between healthcare partners and the creative industries with a focus on digital technology. U CREATE is an initiative of HKU, Hogeschool Utrecht (HU), University Medical Center Utrecht (UMCU), Rabobank and Ordina.
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HKU at Arts without Borders
How can we present physical, performative and material ‘knowledge’ at conferences? At Arts without Borders in Finland on 22 October, HKU's Anouk Saleming, Nirav Christophe and Bart van Rosmalen presented a challenging mix of a lecture, a concert, an improvised theatre performance, a text-making workshop and a conversation ending in shared singing.
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HKU Professorship contributes to ICIDS2016
HKU’s Professorship Interactive Narrative Design had a large presence at ICIDS 2016 in Los Angeles. Activities included a workshop on Interactive Narrative Analysis led by Professor Hartmut Koenitz and two paper presentations (see Publications below). Together with CUNY Professor Colette Daiute, Koenitz presented a poster on shared narrative conventions between traditional writing and interactive narrative design.
Conference Proceedings
HKU at Drive festival (DDW2016)
Three HKU staff members presented at the DRIVE Festival, on 26 October, during the Dutch Design Week 2016 in Eindhoven: Willem-Jan Renger, head of the Innovation Studio, Evert Hogendoorn, programme leader Ludodidactics and Elisabetta Lazzaro, Professor of Creative Economy. They contributed to the Create Health track, where crossovers between creative industries and health and well-being organisations were presented.
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SIA Annual Conference
At the SIA Annual Conference on 30 November HKU University of the Arts will contribute to two workshops in the context of SIA Platforms to be founded in 2017: Research KUO by Nirav Christophe (HKU), Peter van Sonderen (Artez), Janneke Wesseling (Universiteit Leiden), Patrick Cramers (Regieorgaan SIA) 21st Century Skills by Marinka Copier (HKU), Bart van Rosmalen (HKU), Peter van den Heuvel (Inholland), Jeroen Onstenk (Inholland), Xander Lub (Saxion), Jelle Dijkstra (NHL Hogeschool) en Lex Sanou (Regieorgaan SIA).
Read workshop programme (Dutch)
IYANTWAY presentation at KNAW
The research results of the transmedia project IYANTWAY were presented for the first time at Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences (KNAW) on November 21. If You Are Not There, Where Are You? is a transmedia project by Maartje Nevejan, Cerutti Film and HKU Professorship Performative Processes, about the often misunderstood and frightening experience children have during an absence seizure.
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KUO next agenda
On 6 October the Dutch Universities of the Arts presented their strategic agenda KUO NEXT 2016-2020. During the symposium on Art Education and Research, HKU University of the Arts Utrecht presented three research projects among many other inspiring examples of practice-based research at Dutch Arts Universities.
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Playful food awareness at ELIA conference
During the upcoming ELIA biennial conference in Florence (30 November-3 December), the HKU Innovation Studio, together with Transmango and JamToday, will host a game storm around food awareness. A game storm is a mix between a game jam and a brain storm and is intended to quickly develop ideas around a certain issue.
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Succesful CREA Business Contest
At the CREA ICT Business Idea Contest 2016, on 27 October in Milan, 14 student start-up teams from 7 countries pitched their business idea in front of an international jury. Two HKU Art and Economics students were part of the start-up team FIERO that won the second prize in the Contest and will join an incubation program at Cross-spring Lab in Utrecht.
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Rutte joins HKU in South Korea
Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte joined a seminar in Seoul last September on the latest instrument in international cooperation: Living Labs. These Labs stimulate innovation through the execution of real-life practical research assignments by students, lecturers, researchers and professionals in a specific field. In this case, the theme was health. HKU Games and Interaction and its South Korean partner Postech University hosted the seminar and presented results from the latest Living Lab game jam held at Postech in August 2017.
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- Take away workforms: HKU Professorship Art and Professionalisation presented a set of seven workform cards contributing to a reflective track at the ICON- seminar Improvisation in Finland (October 2016).
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- Narrative Game Mechanics, Teun Dubbelman in Interactive Storytelling Volume 10045 of the series Lecture Notes in Computer Science pp 39-50.
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- An Integrated and Iterative Research Direction for Interactive Digital Narrative, Hartmut Koenitz, Teun Dubbelman, Noam Knoller, Christian Roth in Interactive Storytelling Volume 10045 of the series Lecture Notes in Computer Science pp 51-60.
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- What is Shared? - A Pedagogical Perspective on Interactive Digital Narrative and Literary Narrative, Colette Daiute, Hartmut Koenitz in Interactive Storytelling Volume 10045 of the series Lecture Notes in Computer Science pp 407-410.
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- Connecting Conversations, Bart van Rosmalen in Cooperate, Ed. Giep Hagoort (2016).
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- A more intergrated approach, David Crombie, Pierre Mersch, Willem-Jan Renger in Th&ma Hoger Onderwijs editie 2016-4.
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- Evaluating the User Experience of Interactive Digital Narrative, Hartmut Koenitz, Christian Roth, AltMM’16, October 16 2016, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
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New researchers
Professorship Interactive Narrative Design: Mirka Duijn
Professorship Creative Economy: Jeroen Euwe Frederik Situmeang